Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Blog Stats: A Rising Tide of Interest From Far And Wide

In the very beginning with this blog my focus was on making sense of an often senseless world. Today, it remains the same, just with a reframing of the challenges into a broader perspective.

We are not alone. The world is watching, listening and learning. About Us. About Themselves. 

I've been fortunate to travel extensively and gave my Mom the gift of travel starting when she turned 62 and began receiving "retirement" benefits. 

It was one of my greatest gifts to her -- freedom to make choices and decisions when she had the greatest ability and when life hadn't thrown her the last curve ball of Lewy Body Dementia.

I'd always wanted Mom to have this opportunity because she loved history, archaeology, different cultures; she was far ahead of her time and of her "economic place". 

Mom never had the benefit of higher education when she was young; she walked a long distance to go to school in a rural Illinois town and then she was needed at home to care for a sister and brothers. 

When she decided to go back for her High School GED in her early 50's when I was in college (thanks to her guidance, a scholarship and my determination), I was so happy for her and proud of her achievement. 

She'd weathered Cosmetology School when I started attending school all day; a plan to escape the hardships and the degradation imposed on both of us by a marriage that was crippled by my father's alcoholic addiction.

When life presented a challenge (Mom fell and broke her wrist and had to close her small beauty salon), we did what we'd always done and turned it into an opportunity -- to become a multi generational family. 

Multi Generational Family Living -- A choice we believe to this day was beneficial to every member when it was made and throughout almost forty years of living together as a family unit and beyond.

Mom traveled the world, literally. She faced modes of transportation we'd call archaic and physically challenging in countries that were still struggling to come into the 20th Century. They had amazing histories, wonderful scenery and emerging societies we're just beginning to understand.

We believed and still do, we keep the doors of the world open one trip at a time. I believe we also keep the world open one blog entry at a time and the Stats for where this blog is reaching are reflecting that belief.

The United States gets lots of hits but so do far lesser known areas including Moldova. 

The Stats I see are amazing as days often produce more readership from countries we see as far less technologically advanced than the United States. 

Touching peoples minds and hearts. Opening windows and doors of opportunity. If just one person sees and makes a difference this blog has succeeded in making positive change.

In Peace and Justice life continues and aging is natural and often longer. With expanding ability to provide better healthcare and share information we give longer life to one another. 

Age is wisdom, experience and knowledge if we chose to value it. 

Some societies have believed we need to "erase" the past and that includes various people and ideas. 

What are you choosing to share today? What will you bring to the table tomorrow? Where will you spend time and what will you do with the minutes, hours and days you've been given?

As another Mother's Day approaches, I give thanks for my mother, my friend, my life companion, my guide and my mentor. Through this Blog, her story and ours is a reference, a reflection and a rekindling of the spirit of family and the spirit of Love.

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