Thursday, April 16, 2015

Medicaid: Think Again If You Believe You'll Bypass This System

Odds are high you or a loved one will enter into a State program as well as a Federal program of personal care within a lifetime.

NOTE:  This is not an ad for Medical Insurance; it's a call to action to realize the problems of medical care and services for our older population are not and will not be served to provide a quality of life we all believe we deserve and need without voices raised and comments made in blogs like this one.

NPR cited recent studies stating the average US citizen has about $75,000 in savings for future needs.

What's your medical coverage provide today? What adjustments are "built in" to the policy and allowed by the company who provides your medical coverage? Ever read the fine print? Do you really know what hidden factors determine what services and medications they will allow? Ever given any thought to the real value of what you receive or could need?

Even if you only have to pay 10% - 20% of the total bill do you know a major medical event can add hundreds of thousands to your "debt"?

Think it will be "written off" or "absorbed" or somehow taken care of?  Not if you have the funds and in today's world that's easy to find out with all the stored information readily available for the right price.

What about a lingering or advancing illness?  A slow moving Dementia like Lewy Body Dementia or Parkinson's. How will that challenge you personally and your family?

What about protecting you from the challenges of Undue Influence, Neglect and Abuse?

Ever read your State laws about these "Elder" challenges?

Are you aware of and familiar with the actual systems and procedures in place to try to obtain assistance or seek remedy?

Declining and eliminated services from underfunded programs and those whose allocations get used within the first few months of their calendar years....

Partially funded programs providing for a "skeleton" organization without sufficient funding to provide needed and necessary paid support -- like Missouri's Ombudsman program...

It's a nightmare of red tape complicated by laws that are unspecific, far too general and usually administered by individuals without significant training or systems and procedures in place to ensure your safety and well being often leading to your life being compromised.

Bottom Line.  Each day more and more people are in need of financial assistance from Medicaid or other services and none of us really know, due to non transparency and clear and concise language, what is being provided, what can be provided and what is denied and for what reasons.

We're told to plan -- to establish Retirement Funds and IRA's and then we find out those administering them have been ill advising us and skimming from the funds for decades.

Yes, there are those who have pensions and great health plans but how long will they last when the Boomers and Beyond start using these funds and health programs?

The Affordable Care Act was founded on the belief those who are well, especially the Millennials, would be "supporting" the costs for those who are in need. 

Do the math and the research and you'll find it's always been those who have get and those who have not wait and hope.

I realize changing the system is a larger job than I can tackle.

What I want is transparency so that the "business" of healthcare and service at all ages is more measureable and decisions can be made that are based on fact and not on glossy marketing products.

The proof is not in the marketing/advertising -- it's measured not on photo ops and Annual Reports 

Senior Services especially those provided by Long Term Care Facilities are measured daily and one resident at a time.

Facilities that are totally transparent and individuals who realize it's important to visit relatives and friends and report openly, to the public, what they see, what they find, is critical to raising the level of care and life for residents.

Question:  What have you experienced while caring for a loved one or friend that has caused you concern or worry? 

Voice your concerns here. Start a conversation. 

The world is waiting and listening. 


  1. Thanks for this very eye opening article Donna.
    I have heard a lot of issues regarding the funds for the people but haven't experienced it yet. Why people need to downsize everything to the point that they almost poor in order to be approved of a Medicaid coverage to sustain their health and long term care needs. I understand if they can afford to lavish their employees with expensive trips, why not just give those funds to those who are in need and suffering. Sad story of our citizens.

  2. Kiel we're in "the future" it's 2024. Almost a decade later. Progress? Limited. Awareness. Starting to expand. We've all moved forward except those who struggle with "the system" and keep running in place as others join the race. You are a key to the next decade and beyond as am I. What we choose and how we do it will provide a level of awareness which builds a foundation if we choose to actively. spread the message. Seniors who aren't "well heeled" as generations once measured monetary capability, are struggling even more and a few "crumbs" are being offered like some food and medical additions to Medicare. When we understand providing for our aging who have given, have withstood and have gotten through, is worth the small investment of sharing and caring, we will be on the best path for our own futures.


We welcome your comments and any additional information we can research and pass on to others. Together we learn and grow.