Listening to NPR and new stats of 1 in 5 United States citizens will be aged 65 and older very shortly.
Listen Up America. This generation is followed by another record breaking generation no one's mentioning -- the Baby Boomer's Children or Generation X.
And, with life expectations lengthening, we'll soon have a record breaking population of Seniors in the 65 to 95 age bracket.
What are we doing to increase the health and well being of our aging population?
Well, we're continuing to break them down with ageism and lack of accommodation.
Example: Daughter's in a class that includes a man in his 70's who is being "harassed" by a man in his 50's.
Both had to pass exceptional ability tests of all ages few survived including those in their twenties and early thirties.
Both "belong" by these standards and by their daily performance, but this man is already concerned there won't be enough "share of the pi" to go around, apparently.
Of course, the "younger" man cites the "older man" should "make way for the much younger generation" but the 50's something guy should be glad the 70 something man is there.
Replacing him with a 20 or 30 something individual would be statistically more detrimental to the 50 something man. Think about it -- younger, more years to work, better investment for a company, etc etc.
The 50's something man is typical of his age group and of our society as a whole.
He's reached the age of seeing the future and he doesn't like it. He's experienced the end of life as he knew it -- no longer employed.
By 40 something in most jobs, there's weeding of personnel. Those who are "chosen" get the opportunities and advancement, those who are "left behind" begin the weeding process that starts around this age and by 50 is in full swing.
Early retirement to forced retirement or even lay offs, discontinuation of a position (change of position with requirements known the individual cannot fulfill) and so many other ways to "cull and remove".
The 50's something guy is smart. He's realized he has to retrain and do it quickly in a field that needs so many more people than it has because he has a higher chance of getting a coveted job simply because of the scarcity.
He also knows he has to survive and survival means "attacking" or somehow overcoming any member of the species that seems "weaker" or "vulnerable".
He's found what he believes is an easy target and one he believes others will also select for "removal" or at least for "overlooking" in their own favors.
However, as with any other skill set or requirement, soon there will be an influx of "newbies" trained along the way from high school onward and needing a little extra "monitoring" but still workable and hireable.
Many are "taking courses" on line for the "new" world we've created. It's common knowledge in the computer coding community, for example, people are training and learning by themselves and therefore need less "help" and instruction.
Machines instructing could be replacing the vast collegiate market created with the Baby Boomer generation.
Already they're being used as the "main instructor" with previous lead instructors becoming mentors, advisors and providing clarification or assistance rather than being a main source of securing basic information and instruction.
Then what? With this advent of learning when and where you want, what will our economy look like in the future with less need for "classroom" instruction and those college degrees that cost so much and took so much time?
What will we do to control the influx of new talent and ability to maintain a balance within the 25+ age groups if we reduce the age of challenging others for space in the job market reduces from 20 something to 18+?
When we become a nation of data entry, data movers and data providers, isn't that moving the needle backwards to the time of having more jobs at lower pay because less education was needed? Or, at the very least, positions that are easier to fill and therefore have a higher turnover rate?
My opinion is the most affected segment of the population are those currently past 65 and the many more entering this age group daily and the Millennials who are behind the next generation of Seniors and in front of those who were "born into" the Computer Age and basically given internet access as a birthright and entitlement.
After all, schools have changed and society has changed -- computer access can be everywhere including at libraries and training starts early in the most current computer procedures, applications and configurations.
Yes, the 50 something man has the most challenging role to play in life as he sees it. But he's already in the Senior category and if he doesn't value that age group and their needs and rights now, he'll soon be experiencing first hand what he failed to recognize and take action to change.
Our society cannot succeed with so many NEW Seniors "put out to pasture" at an age that once was "acceptable" for "retirement" but now leaves the door of many more years of life for which to provide.
Seniors today can do just so much "socializing". Faced with many more years and skyrocketing medical and even basic costs of living including the cost of food, utilities, property taxes, transportation, the savings for many has been greatly affected by each decade's monetary crisis from the 1970's onward and from dynamically climbing costs of living.
Yes, there are and will continue to be a select number of people who are "well off" but those figures are swiftly declining as our economy shifts to placing even our younger members into the ranks of the unemployed while we adjust to the "new economy" and "new work world".
Jobs should not be allocated or designed to exclude or eliminate. All age groups are valuable assets.
Ageism is the new way we control economic adjustments we haven't been able to control with creating jobs that value and recognize differences and abilities.
Three generations shared life together for decades in one household. Daughter and granddaughter set aside their lives to care give for two family members at home. Life challenges of undiagnosed advancing Lewy Body Dementia and medical challenges of MRSA tore apart the family unit. Writing, reflecting and researching then and now to shine light into holes in our society's safety nets for the aging, care givers and families.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
Mobility and Other Signs of Dementia
Just found another website I want to pass on to you
Lewy Body Dementia and other Dementias may be right in front of you.
It was for me. I saw them as "signs of aging".
We don't talk openly as a society about aging because we've provided so many stigmas about the process and the results.
Everywhere you look women and men are told to focus on their outward appearance. At work, they see the need to continually improve skillsets. There's never enough time in a day to achieve and to reach for what we're told we should want, need and have.
We're on a constant merry-go-round reaching for the gold ring.
It's not surprising we're oblivious to Dementia until it comes directly into our lives. Even then, it has to come into our "face" before we notice and many still don't reach out, try to manage and try to intercede.
Here are some signs of Dementia in process. They're not always there and they're not always a definite "signpost" but they should be seen as discussion points with your loved one and with a medical specialist.
They're from the website
Lewy Body Dementia and other Dementias may be right in front of you.
It was for me. I saw them as "signs of aging".
We don't talk openly as a society about aging because we've provided so many stigmas about the process and the results.
Everywhere you look women and men are told to focus on their outward appearance. At work, they see the need to continually improve skillsets. There's never enough time in a day to achieve and to reach for what we're told we should want, need and have.
We're on a constant merry-go-round reaching for the gold ring.
It's not surprising we're oblivious to Dementia until it comes directly into our lives. Even then, it has to come into our "face" before we notice and many still don't reach out, try to manage and try to intercede.
Here are some signs of Dementia in process. They're not always there and they're not always a definite "signpost" but they should be seen as discussion points with your loved one and with a medical specialist.
They're from the website
"Mobility |
Common Signs
Requires walking aid
Walking aid
A device that assists a person in being mobile. It can provide the balance necessary to make them comfortable enough to walk, like a cane, or it can be a wheelchair to assist them in moving when walking is not possible. (such as a cane or walker)
Walking aid
A device that assists a person in being mobile. It can provide the balance necessary to make them comfortable enough to walk, like a cane, or it can be a wheelchair to assist them in moving when walking is not possible. (such as a cane or walker)
Can walk
but only for limited distances
Requires a
Feels more
comfortable having one person standing nearby when walking or moving
one person's assistance when walking or moving
positioning in bed
getting up from low, deep or soft chairs
developed pressure sores
Pressure sores
Areas of injured tissue and skin. It is caused by lying or sitting in one position for too long. As a result there is a lot of pressure on this part of the body, and blood flow to this area is decreased. Common areas for pressure sores include elbows, heels, and back of the head.
Pressure sores
Areas of injured tissue and skin. It is caused by lying or sitting in one position for too long. As a result there is a lot of pressure on this part of the body, and blood flow to this area is decreased. Common areas for pressure sores include elbows, heels, and back of the head.
problems walking outside or on uneven surfaces
when going through doorways
Is afraid
to use the stairs
Mobility | General
dementias will at some point in their course, affect areas of the brain that
are responsible for movement and balance
The ability to sit or stand upright without falling over or slumping into a potentially dangerous position.. Usually, families will note that the person walks more slowly. After a while they will commonly describe the person's walking as being "uncoordinated". These aren't bad descriptions, but they are not what doctors say, because we tend to think about symptoms and signs of dementia
Relating to neurology. disease) in terms of which part of the brain is affected.
When it comes to problems with walking in dementia, unless it is due to a stroke
Blood supply to the brain is interrupted, usually by a blood clot. As a result, a portion of the brain can die from not receiving enough blood and oxygen. that gives rise to paralysis
An inability to move part of the body. , or other less common, specific, local causes, doctors tend to approach the problem by considering two types of problems. One has to do with slowing, and the other with how the brain integrates all the information that is needed for precise movement.
The ability to sit or stand upright without falling over or slumping into a potentially dangerous position.. Usually, families will note that the person walks more slowly. After a while they will commonly describe the person's walking as being "uncoordinated". These aren't bad descriptions, but they are not what doctors say, because we tend to think about symptoms and signs of dementia
Relating to neurology. disease) in terms of which part of the brain is affected.
When it comes to problems with walking in dementia, unless it is due to a stroke
Blood supply to the brain is interrupted, usually by a blood clot. As a result, a portion of the brain can die from not receiving enough blood and oxygen. that gives rise to paralysis
An inability to move part of the body. , or other less common, specific, local causes, doctors tend to approach the problem by considering two types of problems. One has to do with slowing, and the other with how the brain integrates all the information that is needed for precise movement.
The first
problem - slowing - typically is part of a syndrome called
"parkinsonism". The term is related to, but slightly different from Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's disease
A progressive, neurodegenerative disease characterized by the death of neurons in the brain. The disease has been linked to a lack of the neurotransmitter dopamine which has consequences such as tremors, speech impediments, movement difficulties, and often dementia later in the course of the disease.. Parkinson's disease affects movement in many ways, but traditionally these are grouped under four headings: tremor (a rhythmic form of shaking); slowness of movement (the fancy term is bradykinesia)
Body tissue that contracts to produce movement or force. stiffness (the technical term that doctors use is rigidity; we use it to distinguish it from the stiffness seen with a stroke, which is called spaticity) and the tendency to fall (we call a fall a fall, but we call the tendency to fall postural instability).
To be able to move about either on your own or with the use of a walking aid. problem for a person with dementia is slowing, as an aspect of parkinsonism. Other signs of parkinsonism that have to do with walking are that the steps shorten, the posture becomes stooped, the space between the feet (so-called "base of the gait Gait
A manner of walking, running or moving on foot.") narrows, and there is less arm swing. When the person turns, they no longer pivot on their heels, but instead turn in a series of short steps. During the turns, their balance can become unstable; they are especially likely to fall backwards. Another related problem is that the person can seem to freeze in place when they walk through a door frame.
The second type of problem overlaps a little with the first, and is commonly described by families as the person they care for being "uncoordinated". (The technical term that doctors use for this is "apraxia"; we use "uncoordinated to mean a problem with a structure at the back of the brain called the cerebellum. And of course, when we really start in on talking about incoordination, we quickly switch over to another term, called ataxia.
Even so, it makes me hesitate to use the term "incoordination" when what I mean is apraxia, not ataxia. What families typically see in the person who is having trouble walking that goes beyond simple slowing and parkinsonism is that the person with dementia first has problems starting to walk. The starting to walk (the technical term is "gait ignition" can be part of parkinsonism, or a sign of apraxia. Either way, sometimes 'sensory tricks' can help.
Very early in the course of apraxic walking in dementia, a cane or a walker can help. It is common to see a person go from a slow, cautious gait, to an almost normal walking pattern simply by taking up a cane. In fact, I have often seen the cane work when the person holds it in their hand, without the can actually touching the floor.
Later, however, a more common picture is the person with dementia requiring physical "hands on", such as touching by another person to start walking or to rise out of a chair. When the problem is first one of getting started, families often comment that the person they care for does not need anything more than a touch to get out of the chair, but can't seem to get out of the chair without it.
There are types of problems with starting walking (with gait ignition disorders) that respond to a variety of what is known by the trade as "sensory tricks". For example, vigorously stroking the leg that you want the person to start moving, or seeing if they can lift their feet up and down to march in place, or seeing if they can step over something to start - a line, or sometimes you can put one foot in front of theirs and ask them to step over it. Many people who have been in the armed services will respond to the command "quick march" spoken softly into their ear. Frustratingly, although some tricks often work, none of them work all the time.
It is also important to remember that people with dementia can have problems with walking that are not due to the dementia itself. Exhaustion can limit how far a person can walk, as can pain. Sometimes pain can reflect an unattended problem in foot care. Usually, a doctor or physiotherapist
A health professional who assesses a person's physical function and specializes in physical methods of treatment to return to health. can tell just by looking at how someone walks, whether the problem is neurological or due to pain, and if due to pain, whether it is a problem of the hip, the knee, or the ankle/foot.
Parkinson's disease
A progressive, neurodegenerative disease characterized by the death of neurons in the brain. The disease has been linked to a lack of the neurotransmitter dopamine which has consequences such as tremors, speech impediments, movement difficulties, and often dementia later in the course of the disease.. Parkinson's disease affects movement in many ways, but traditionally these are grouped under four headings: tremor (a rhythmic form of shaking); slowness of movement (the fancy term is bradykinesia)
Body tissue that contracts to produce movement or force. stiffness (the technical term that doctors use is rigidity; we use it to distinguish it from the stiffness seen with a stroke, which is called spaticity) and the tendency to fall (we call a fall a fall, but we call the tendency to fall postural instability).
To be able to move about either on your own or with the use of a walking aid. problem for a person with dementia is slowing, as an aspect of parkinsonism. Other signs of parkinsonism that have to do with walking are that the steps shorten, the posture becomes stooped, the space between the feet (so-called "base of the gait Gait
A manner of walking, running or moving on foot.") narrows, and there is less arm swing. When the person turns, they no longer pivot on their heels, but instead turn in a series of short steps. During the turns, their balance can become unstable; they are especially likely to fall backwards. Another related problem is that the person can seem to freeze in place when they walk through a door frame.
The second type of problem overlaps a little with the first, and is commonly described by families as the person they care for being "uncoordinated". (The technical term that doctors use for this is "apraxia"; we use "uncoordinated to mean a problem with a structure at the back of the brain called the cerebellum. And of course, when we really start in on talking about incoordination, we quickly switch over to another term, called ataxia.
Even so, it makes me hesitate to use the term "incoordination" when what I mean is apraxia, not ataxia. What families typically see in the person who is having trouble walking that goes beyond simple slowing and parkinsonism is that the person with dementia first has problems starting to walk. The starting to walk (the technical term is "gait ignition" can be part of parkinsonism, or a sign of apraxia. Either way, sometimes 'sensory tricks' can help.
Very early in the course of apraxic walking in dementia, a cane or a walker can help. It is common to see a person go from a slow, cautious gait, to an almost normal walking pattern simply by taking up a cane. In fact, I have often seen the cane work when the person holds it in their hand, without the can actually touching the floor.
Later, however, a more common picture is the person with dementia requiring physical "hands on", such as touching by another person to start walking or to rise out of a chair. When the problem is first one of getting started, families often comment that the person they care for does not need anything more than a touch to get out of the chair, but can't seem to get out of the chair without it.
There are types of problems with starting walking (with gait ignition disorders) that respond to a variety of what is known by the trade as "sensory tricks". For example, vigorously stroking the leg that you want the person to start moving, or seeing if they can lift their feet up and down to march in place, or seeing if they can step over something to start - a line, or sometimes you can put one foot in front of theirs and ask them to step over it. Many people who have been in the armed services will respond to the command "quick march" spoken softly into their ear. Frustratingly, although some tricks often work, none of them work all the time.
It is also important to remember that people with dementia can have problems with walking that are not due to the dementia itself. Exhaustion can limit how far a person can walk, as can pain. Sometimes pain can reflect an unattended problem in foot care. Usually, a doctor or physiotherapist
A health professional who assesses a person's physical function and specializes in physical methods of treatment to return to health. can tell just by looking at how someone walks, whether the problem is neurological or due to pain, and if due to pain, whether it is a problem of the hip, the knee, or the ankle/foot.
To sum up, common problems of mobility in a person with dementia
Common Causes
Walks more slowly
Walks with a narrow base
Cannot start walking
Parkinsonism or apraxia
Cannot continue walking/ can only walk short distances
Exhaustion, pain or apraxia
Freezes in the door frame
A classic sign of parkinsonism
Walks with a limp
Pain in the hip, knee, ankle or foot; stroke
This is not meant to be an exhaustive list,
just to help summarize the points made above. An exhaustive list would have to
include, amongst other things, walking with a broad base, or with a
"scissors" gait, in which the knees come together but the feet are
apart, or various types of problems seen when the cerebellum is affected, or
disorders of walking that are accompanied by a lot of extra movements, just to
name a few. The point is that abnormalities of gait are generally explicate,
even if the explanation does not often give rise to treatment.
Treatment of mobility problems in dementia
For all the different types of problems, there are only just a few treatments. Sometimes a physiotherapist can help, especially if a walking aid
Walking aid
A device that assists a person in being mobile. It can provide the balance necessary to make them comfortable enough to walk, like a cane, or it can be a wheelchair to assist them in moving when walking is not possible. is going to be used for the first time. A physiotherapist can also help by showing exercises that can strengthen muscles, especially those around the hip, which help prevent falling. Many people with dementia can still learn to do simple repetitive exercises, and get some enjoyment from it. Physiotherapists who work with dementia patients commonly observe that as the person exercises more, they exercise better, and often seem more engaged. Families commonly notice this too.
It is controversial whether treatment for Parkinson's disease works for people who have parkinsonism in dementia. Some things are clear. If the parkinsonism is due to or made worse by medications (especially neuroleptic
A class of drugs used to treat psychosis. or antipsychotic medications) these need to be used in the lowest possible doses, or even discontinued if that is possible. It is also clear that the motor parkinsonism of Parkinson's Disease Dementia should be treated.
In Parkinson's disease, some drugs work by lowering the amount of the brain chemical
A specialized chemical messenger such as acetyl choline, that sends a message from one nerve cell to another. Neuortransmitters are responsible for the communication within the brain and also between the brain and other parts of the body.) acetylcholine. These drugs must be avoided in people with dementia. Most drugs, however, work by increasing the amount of the brain chemical (neurotransmitter) dopamine
A neurotransmitter found in the brain that has been associated with Parkinson's disease.. If a dopamine preparation is to be used, this needs to be done with great care, as a side effect
Side effect
An undesired effect of a drug treatment that may range in severity from barely noticeable, to uncomfortable, to dangerous. can be hallucinations or delusions. This dilemma arises most often in Lewy Body dementia where the parkinsonism is most classically like Parkinson's Disease, but where hallucinations can be a very difficult problem.
Sometimes, in people with Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease
A neurological disease that affects memory and behaviour. It is characterized by beta-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain. There is no known cause but genetics and lifestyle are thought to play a role., mobility problems due to apraxia can improve by treatment with a cholinesterase inhibitor
Cholinesterase inhibitor
A drug which stops the effect of cholinesterase (the first-line drugs for treating Alzheimer's disease). In the days when cholinesterase inhibitors were first being used, I saw this many times, because it was common to see people with moderate dementia who had never been treated. Now that treatment is so widespread, I see it less often. Where I now see it most is when patients who have been on one cholinesterase inhibitor are switched from that to another, or sometimes when memantine
An NMDA receptor antagonist used to treat moderate to severe dementia. It effects the glutamate neurontransmitter, not the acetyl choline like many other dementia drugs do. is added.
For all the different types of problems, there are only just a few treatments. Sometimes a physiotherapist can help, especially if a walking aid
Walking aid
A device that assists a person in being mobile. It can provide the balance necessary to make them comfortable enough to walk, like a cane, or it can be a wheelchair to assist them in moving when walking is not possible. is going to be used for the first time. A physiotherapist can also help by showing exercises that can strengthen muscles, especially those around the hip, which help prevent falling. Many people with dementia can still learn to do simple repetitive exercises, and get some enjoyment from it. Physiotherapists who work with dementia patients commonly observe that as the person exercises more, they exercise better, and often seem more engaged. Families commonly notice this too.
It is controversial whether treatment for Parkinson's disease works for people who have parkinsonism in dementia. Some things are clear. If the parkinsonism is due to or made worse by medications (especially neuroleptic
A class of drugs used to treat psychosis. or antipsychotic medications) these need to be used in the lowest possible doses, or even discontinued if that is possible. It is also clear that the motor parkinsonism of Parkinson's Disease Dementia should be treated.
In Parkinson's disease, some drugs work by lowering the amount of the brain chemical
A specialized chemical messenger such as acetyl choline, that sends a message from one nerve cell to another. Neuortransmitters are responsible for the communication within the brain and also between the brain and other parts of the body.) acetylcholine. These drugs must be avoided in people with dementia. Most drugs, however, work by increasing the amount of the brain chemical (neurotransmitter) dopamine
A neurotransmitter found in the brain that has been associated with Parkinson's disease.. If a dopamine preparation is to be used, this needs to be done with great care, as a side effect
Side effect
An undesired effect of a drug treatment that may range in severity from barely noticeable, to uncomfortable, to dangerous. can be hallucinations or delusions. This dilemma arises most often in Lewy Body dementia where the parkinsonism is most classically like Parkinson's Disease, but where hallucinations can be a very difficult problem.
Sometimes, in people with Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease
A neurological disease that affects memory and behaviour. It is characterized by beta-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain. There is no known cause but genetics and lifestyle are thought to play a role., mobility problems due to apraxia can improve by treatment with a cholinesterase inhibitor
Cholinesterase inhibitor
A drug which stops the effect of cholinesterase (the first-line drugs for treating Alzheimer's disease). In the days when cholinesterase inhibitors were first being used, I saw this many times, because it was common to see people with moderate dementia who had never been treated. Now that treatment is so widespread, I see it less often. Where I now see it most is when patients who have been on one cholinesterase inhibitor are switched from that to another, or sometimes when memantine
An NMDA receptor antagonist used to treat moderate to severe dementia. It effects the glutamate neurontransmitter, not the acetyl choline like many other dementia drugs do. is added.
When mobility impairment means the person can no longer walk
As the person you care for becomes more and more immobile, they might no longer be able to walk. Sometimes this comes on suddenly, after an acute incident
When something is "acute", it means that it is generally short in duration and usually severe. illness that has required the person to be in hospital. mobility can be lost quickly on that setting, and sometimes it is very difficult for rehabilitation to occur. Problems with mobility are a common reason for a person with dementia to be moved to a nursing home. Care for a person with dementia who is immobile enough to be bedfast is very difficult. Many other problems go with it, including constipation
Abnormally delayed or infrequent passage of dry hardened feces. and blood clots. Pneumonia
Inflammation of the lungs that results after bacterial, viral or fungal infection. occurs more often. Pressure sores
Pressure sores
Areas of injured tissue and skin. It is caused by lying or sitting in one position for too long. As a result there is a lot of pressure on this part of the body, and blood flow to this area is decreased. Common areas for pressure sores include elbows, heels, and back of the head. can also be seen, and even tough larger pressure ulcers
Pressure ulcers
See pressure sores. present as failure of care, smaller ones can develop quickly and insidiously, especially in people whose circulation is poor.For most people with dementia, being bedfast signals the terminal phase. In that phase, it is appropriate to consider palliative
Treatment that relieves or reduces uncomfortable symptoms such as pain, but does not provide a cure. care.
Other notes on mobility impairment
Mobility impairment occurs more often in some types of dementia than in others. People with Frontotemporal dementia
Frontotemporal dementia
A type of dementia that mainly affects the frontal lobe causing a problem in executive function tasks. can show rigidity of movement as the dementia progresses. It is characteristic of Lewy Body dementia, Parkinson's disease dementia, and a group of dementias associated with so-called "parkinson-plus" disorders, such as multiple systems atrophy
The shrinkage of tissue or muscle., progressive
A disease that is increasing in severity; going from bad to worse over time. supranuclear palsy and a related disorder called corticobasal degeneration
Deterioration, usually of tissue, to a lower or less functional form. (CBD). Frontotemporal dementia sometimes is accompanied by Amyotrophic lateral Sclerous (ALS), so that immobility occurs early in the course of their illness.
As the person you care for becomes more and more immobile, they might no longer be able to walk. Sometimes this comes on suddenly, after an acute incident
When something is "acute", it means that it is generally short in duration and usually severe. illness that has required the person to be in hospital. mobility can be lost quickly on that setting, and sometimes it is very difficult for rehabilitation to occur. Problems with mobility are a common reason for a person with dementia to be moved to a nursing home. Care for a person with dementia who is immobile enough to be bedfast is very difficult. Many other problems go with it, including constipation
Abnormally delayed or infrequent passage of dry hardened feces. and blood clots. Pneumonia
Inflammation of the lungs that results after bacterial, viral or fungal infection. occurs more often. Pressure sores
Pressure sores
Areas of injured tissue and skin. It is caused by lying or sitting in one position for too long. As a result there is a lot of pressure on this part of the body, and blood flow to this area is decreased. Common areas for pressure sores include elbows, heels, and back of the head. can also be seen, and even tough larger pressure ulcers
Pressure ulcers
See pressure sores. present as failure of care, smaller ones can develop quickly and insidiously, especially in people whose circulation is poor.For most people with dementia, being bedfast signals the terminal phase. In that phase, it is appropriate to consider palliative
Treatment that relieves or reduces uncomfortable symptoms such as pain, but does not provide a cure. care.
Other notes on mobility impairment
Mobility impairment occurs more often in some types of dementia than in others. People with Frontotemporal dementia
Frontotemporal dementia
A type of dementia that mainly affects the frontal lobe causing a problem in executive function tasks. can show rigidity of movement as the dementia progresses. It is characteristic of Lewy Body dementia, Parkinson's disease dementia, and a group of dementias associated with so-called "parkinson-plus" disorders, such as multiple systems atrophy
The shrinkage of tissue or muscle., progressive
A disease that is increasing in severity; going from bad to worse over time. supranuclear palsy and a related disorder called corticobasal degeneration
Deterioration, usually of tissue, to a lower or less functional form. (CBD). Frontotemporal dementia sometimes is accompanied by Amyotrophic lateral Sclerous (ALS), so that immobility occurs early in the course of their illness.
What's new with mobility and balance?
One of the most active areas of research amongst people who study how the brain controls movement is that sometimes mild parkinsonism - usually mild slowing - can be the very first sign that a dementia might be starting. Slow movement can preceed other signs for up to five years. The area is challenging however, because as people age, many slow down for a variety of reasons, and not everyone who is slow gets dementia. Even amongst people with parkinsonism, it only increases the risk. It does not mean that dementia is inevitable. The hope amongst people who are doing this research is that if it is an early sign of dementia, it can be treated in some way so that the dementia can be prevented. Several groups are actively engaged in this research worldwide. One respected researcher whose work can be looked at is Richard Camicioli at the University of Alberta."
Hope these notes help someone. Wish I'd had more guidance and more truly compassionate direction. Unfortunately, too few people are out there and not enough direction to show us the path and the way that will make our journey and our loved one's journey a little easier.
If you're journeying with someone who has Dementia of any kind please know that you are appreciated and valued even if the person can no longer realize what you are doing or believes what you are doing isn't helpful.Your care and concern are invaluable.
Know you are appreciated and know you are greatly valued.
One of the most active areas of research amongst people who study how the brain controls movement is that sometimes mild parkinsonism - usually mild slowing - can be the very first sign that a dementia might be starting. Slow movement can preceed other signs for up to five years. The area is challenging however, because as people age, many slow down for a variety of reasons, and not everyone who is slow gets dementia. Even amongst people with parkinsonism, it only increases the risk. It does not mean that dementia is inevitable. The hope amongst people who are doing this research is that if it is an early sign of dementia, it can be treated in some way so that the dementia can be prevented. Several groups are actively engaged in this research worldwide. One respected researcher whose work can be looked at is Richard Camicioli at the University of Alberta."
Hope these notes help someone. Wish I'd had more guidance and more truly compassionate direction. Unfortunately, too few people are out there and not enough direction to show us the path and the way that will make our journey and our loved one's journey a little easier.
If you're journeying with someone who has Dementia of any kind please know that you are appreciated and valued even if the person can no longer realize what you are doing or believes what you are doing isn't helpful.Your care and concern are invaluable.
Know you are appreciated and know you are greatly valued.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Live Long And Prosper: A Credo for The Aging and Aged Who Are Not "Leftovers"
There are many paid for services for those who can provide the ways and means.
For any who have endured life challenges that have used savings or savings have deteriorated due to job loss or other life events and for those who have had what little remains taken away through Undue Influence, their fate is set by the low to non existent standards and practices in place within our society.
These are the people who are society's "LEFTOVERS" -- the remains of what was valued, enjoyed, coveted and used.
Now, no longer needed or wanted, some form of disposal must be found. Currently we shelve. As our economy becomes more "needful" will we turn to other means to ensure those who "can do" will be provided for and those who cannot will not just be ill provided for or will be refused provision?
My Mom's life became controlled by "higher powers" when a false report was made to the Missouri Elder Abuse Hotline.
No notification given to me "the accused".
No investigation of me or my daughter, who were both care giving Mom and my husband/daughter's father.
No questioning my husband who was basically bed ridden with openings across his stomach draining out his fecal material and urine as to his well being.
Why didn't they work to remove him?
Or were they believing taking Mom "out of" the environment would make the challenges of care giving "less" and therefore "better".
Right. Now we had to split our time between the house and the Long Term Care Facility and overcome the challenges incurred by an Undue Influencer who was "in control".
Decisions thought to be "in her best interest" by someone who had no real idea who Mom was or had been and no idea or even information directly gathered from our family members.
This "government official" was "doing her job" thinking if a person, a "professional", a "medical" professional, reported abuse, it must certainly be so.
Does that diploma confer honesty and integrity?
Does that diploma cast aside or replace avarice and greed or a desire for self power?
This "government official" failed to do "her job" when she failed to be the monitor, the adversary for all, and especially when she failed to recognize the preponderance of evidence to the contrary of what was being said and done.
This "government official" entrusted with the health and well being of society as a whole through the Department of Health and Senior Services, was so ill informed and so poorly trained for her position that she walked into a hospital room with a critically ill Senior citizen where the very entry was closed and clearly posted "Gown and gloves required to enter" and put on neither as she brought in who knows what causing more pain and suffering and eventual death.
Since when does the government allow someone to steal?
To take openly and freely from our elderly?
When the person has "credentials", they're not thought of as thieves but rather "friends" and "protectors" of another's possessions. That's how our society entered into many financial crisis -- trust misplaced.
My Mom went from full Social Security to an "allowance" of $30 a month, a shared room and bathroom with a stranger, no ability for privacy and being told when, where and how she would live and would function.
A lifestyle she'd often seen, never wanted and made it very clear these were her wishes and for almost forty years,
through the good times and the challenges of increasing medical and psychological needs.
I made sure my Mom remained a part of the family she loved, she supported and she valued.
Until Undue Influence, in the form of a woman who worked to gain her trust and ours, who outwardly represented the epitomy of trust as a Registered Nurse,
someone who "took care" of the Elderly and, above all, who held positions of public visibility within our Church in one of the highest positions given of being a Lector,
could not resist the opportunity to control, to gain financially and to continue to ensure Mom, "the ball", was kept in play the way she wanted.
An avid tennis player who won significant awards in College and still competes on the amateur circuit, has found another game where she can excel well into her later years and beyond the high level of physical durability.
Lies and distortions of truth personally crafted by the woman who came into our family's life, a wolf in sheep's clothing, pretending to care -- as she has done with others and continues to do today. As she said when asked about the report to the Elder Abuse Hotline and the disappearance of money, "You can't prove it." She's right. For now.
Yet evidence shows the DHSS official actively participated in ensuring the removal of Mom's only remaining protection when she assisted with the removal of the POA that had been in place albeit not used and held for "the time" when Mom could not make decisions for herself.
The DHSS official did not go through the courts, did not seek medical evaluation, instead she acted without fact, without evidence and without knowledge of Dementia, especially Lewy Body Dementia and embraced and valued someone with an agenda using Undue Influence.
A POA trust given and a trust accepted knowing the full responsibility of enacting that trust.
A trust removed without ensuring the safety and well being of a community of Seniors, one man and two women, and a younger citizen of the State of Missouri, for whom this "representative" worked and pledged to protect and serve.
Why? With what evidence?
How can this happen? Watching the news this morning an expose on the "activities" of some of our government employees and their "work" watching porn on the job and spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on their own entertainment is only the tip of the iceberg.
As upsetting as the waste of money is, the waste of a life is even more critical and crucial to stop.
Will it happen to you? It can and it does on a daily basis as we legislate and remove or fail to include protection for the innocent as well as shield the guilty.
My experience has been the administration of our laws through any agency directly connected with an overseeing governmental department is often staffed by individuals with the lowest level of credentials and abilities.
Even those who are highly competent may be ill educated and lack the ability to move or make decisions as they're bound by the chains of words and directives causing lack of action and causing misaction.
What do we do with "leftovers"? Many throw them away. Others realize their value and combine them with "ingredients" sustaining and lengthening the prosperity of the whole.
When will we value the life that has been lived by the many and not just the few?
When will our laws protect all and not just those who know how to manipulate and control those who are supposed to defend and protect?
In the words of the late Lenoard Nimoy, "Live Long And Prosper" should be a part of all lives, those who have the ways and means and those who, for whatever reason, do not.
For any who have endured life challenges that have used savings or savings have deteriorated due to job loss or other life events and for those who have had what little remains taken away through Undue Influence, their fate is set by the low to non existent standards and practices in place within our society.
These are the people who are society's "LEFTOVERS" -- the remains of what was valued, enjoyed, coveted and used.
Now, no longer needed or wanted, some form of disposal must be found. Currently we shelve. As our economy becomes more "needful" will we turn to other means to ensure those who "can do" will be provided for and those who cannot will not just be ill provided for or will be refused provision?
My Mom's life became controlled by "higher powers" when a false report was made to the Missouri Elder Abuse Hotline.
No notification given to me "the accused".
No investigation of me or my daughter, who were both care giving Mom and my husband/daughter's father.
No questioning my husband who was basically bed ridden with openings across his stomach draining out his fecal material and urine as to his well being.
Why didn't they work to remove him?
Or were they believing taking Mom "out of" the environment would make the challenges of care giving "less" and therefore "better".
Right. Now we had to split our time between the house and the Long Term Care Facility and overcome the challenges incurred by an Undue Influencer who was "in control".
Decisions thought to be "in her best interest" by someone who had no real idea who Mom was or had been and no idea or even information directly gathered from our family members.
This "government official" was "doing her job" thinking if a person, a "professional", a "medical" professional, reported abuse, it must certainly be so.
Does that diploma confer honesty and integrity?
Does that diploma cast aside or replace avarice and greed or a desire for self power?
This "government official" failed to do "her job" when she failed to be the monitor, the adversary for all, and especially when she failed to recognize the preponderance of evidence to the contrary of what was being said and done.
This "government official" entrusted with the health and well being of society as a whole through the Department of Health and Senior Services, was so ill informed and so poorly trained for her position that she walked into a hospital room with a critically ill Senior citizen where the very entry was closed and clearly posted "Gown and gloves required to enter" and put on neither as she brought in who knows what causing more pain and suffering and eventual death.
Since when does the government allow someone to steal?
To take openly and freely from our elderly?
When the person has "credentials", they're not thought of as thieves but rather "friends" and "protectors" of another's possessions. That's how our society entered into many financial crisis -- trust misplaced.
My Mom went from full Social Security to an "allowance" of $30 a month, a shared room and bathroom with a stranger, no ability for privacy and being told when, where and how she would live and would function.
A lifestyle she'd often seen, never wanted and made it very clear these were her wishes and for almost forty years,
through the good times and the challenges of increasing medical and psychological needs.
I made sure my Mom remained a part of the family she loved, she supported and she valued.
Until Undue Influence, in the form of a woman who worked to gain her trust and ours, who outwardly represented the epitomy of trust as a Registered Nurse,
someone who "took care" of the Elderly and, above all, who held positions of public visibility within our Church in one of the highest positions given of being a Lector,
could not resist the opportunity to control, to gain financially and to continue to ensure Mom, "the ball", was kept in play the way she wanted.
An avid tennis player who won significant awards in College and still competes on the amateur circuit, has found another game where she can excel well into her later years and beyond the high level of physical durability.
Lies and distortions of truth personally crafted by the woman who came into our family's life, a wolf in sheep's clothing, pretending to care -- as she has done with others and continues to do today. As she said when asked about the report to the Elder Abuse Hotline and the disappearance of money, "You can't prove it." She's right. For now.
Yet evidence shows the DHSS official actively participated in ensuring the removal of Mom's only remaining protection when she assisted with the removal of the POA that had been in place albeit not used and held for "the time" when Mom could not make decisions for herself.
The DHSS official did not go through the courts, did not seek medical evaluation, instead she acted without fact, without evidence and without knowledge of Dementia, especially Lewy Body Dementia and embraced and valued someone with an agenda using Undue Influence.
A POA trust given and a trust accepted knowing the full responsibility of enacting that trust.
A trust removed without ensuring the safety and well being of a community of Seniors, one man and two women, and a younger citizen of the State of Missouri, for whom this "representative" worked and pledged to protect and serve.
Why? With what evidence?
How can this happen? Watching the news this morning an expose on the "activities" of some of our government employees and their "work" watching porn on the job and spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on their own entertainment is only the tip of the iceberg.
As upsetting as the waste of money is, the waste of a life is even more critical and crucial to stop.
Will it happen to you? It can and it does on a daily basis as we legislate and remove or fail to include protection for the innocent as well as shield the guilty.
My experience has been the administration of our laws through any agency directly connected with an overseeing governmental department is often staffed by individuals with the lowest level of credentials and abilities.
Even those who are highly competent may be ill educated and lack the ability to move or make decisions as they're bound by the chains of words and directives causing lack of action and causing misaction.
What do we do with "leftovers"? Many throw them away. Others realize their value and combine them with "ingredients" sustaining and lengthening the prosperity of the whole.
When will we value the life that has been lived by the many and not just the few?
When will our laws protect all and not just those who know how to manipulate and control those who are supposed to defend and protect?
In the words of the late Lenoard Nimoy, "Live Long And Prosper" should be a part of all lives, those who have the ways and means and those who, for whatever reason, do not.