My savings and funds gone surviving two deaths.
Survival is costly when living is the focus.
Mom had no savings after two years in an LTC
Not of our doing, "The Church Lady"'s plan.
Typical for those who worked all their lives to live. They die using all they have for their last days.
With only an eighth grade education.
Moving from home to her older's sister's apartment.
Similar to today's apartments and ghettos.
Cold water flats, coal heat,
Julia had been an RN, she let her certification lapse
Seeking more "havoc to wreak our family" she re-registered.
She would visit, control and undermine.
Revenge and spite wearing white to others, black to us.
A wolf in sheep's clothing; pretending to care
She used the entrance to our family home from our Church
Pretending to want to help, she planned total chaos
Pretending to help, she slithered into our lives
Waiting to strike when we least expected
Journey of everlasting love visiting Mom's unmarked grave.
Finally a marker displaying her name.
Saving for a headstone with low wages, high costs
Putting food on the table, holding on while letting go.
Dates reflecting she survived into her 100th year.
Joining people surrounding always to be near.
Grandparents and cousins, Uncles and Aunts.
Generations coming together as in life they began.
Beginning to "come out of a fog", .
Death of my husband. Death of my mother
Decades are passing, loss undermines.
Visits and flowers reminders of what's missing.