Friday, August 16, 2019

Fence Sitters....It's Time To Read, Write and Speak UP!

Do you question your Doctor? Do you question their recommendations, services, communication?

Think what it's like when you have limited ability to communicate let alone be heard.

Let's do some research. 

Here's a website providing State by State "regulations"

The report is from 2010---does that mean the regulations and practices have not changed since that time?

Here's the website:

Here's the top of the first page:

FEDERAL STAFFING: 1 RN 8 consecutive hrs/7 days/wk & 1 RN/LVN for 2 remaining shifts. 

Must have 1 RN who is full-time DON (5 days/wk); if fewer than 60 residents, DON may also be Charge Nurse.

 (For 100 residents, LN .30 hours per resident day (hprd) would be required.) SC= State Code SAL = State
Administrative Law (Rules and Regulations) SDP = State Departmental Written Policy

The State of Missouri info is here:

MO SUFFICIENT STAFF: to attain or maintain the highest practicable level of physical, mental and psychosocial well-being

LICENSED STAFF (RN, LPN/LVN) 1 DON RN included in 1 RN Day and 1 RN/LPN Eve & Night and 1 RN on call if only LPN on duty 

When DON is LPN, an RN should consult 4 hours per week.

DIRECT CARE STAFF No minimum requirement (RN .08) LN .24 SAL: MO Code of State Regulation 19 CSR 30-85 (34)- (38) Eff. 1-30-04. /current/19csr/19c30-85.pdf

SAL: Intermediate Care Facility: 1 DON RN/LPN. If LPN is DON, RN must be a consultant 4 hrs/wk included in 1 RN/LPN Day on duty and 1 RN/LPN on call 24hrs/7days.

Online Updates: Missouri Code of State Regulations: sp Legislative Updates: Missouri General Assembly:

Missouri, for some reason, and other States as well, created "loopholes" most probably to "benefit" donors/supporters with vested interests -- I "bolded" the specific words that allow LTC's in Missouri to operate without sufficient ON SITE Medical Personnel:  "1 RN on call if only LPN on duty".

"on call" -- not in the facility, not able to assist with a life or death situation (this is an LTC and emergencies are constant)

We listen to reports of the 60's; we give vocal "honor" to our Veterans from WWII, Korea, Vietnam. 

We value families and many support valuing the unborn. 


Do you write your Congressperson?  Time to put in a word about how people, many of whom still vote (LTC's often serve as Polling Places or bring Absentee Ballots to residents) are "in harms way" without GOOD HEALTHCARE IN LONG TERM CARE & GOOD QUALITY OF LIFE.

Remember.....not everyone in LTC is a Senior---laws vary.

Speak Up! Speak Out!

There are members of a Generation who have been labled "The Silent Generation" -- YOU ARE THEIR VOICES and those moving up in the age brackets or the medical needs statistics

You are the voices of those removed from speaking out, who are being silenced by drugs, who have advanced Dementia or who have no means to make private calls or use a computer to contact their Congressperson.

YOU ARE THE VOICE FOR EACH PERSON as we move along life's road and often find ourselves in places we'd prefer not to be in ways we wouldn't consider and with people who are "doing a job" without realizing how very low the standards are and how very high the needs remain.

Remember the history lessons....they came for.... I didn't speak up....

Think your time in LTC is far in the future?  Think about medical conditions where you'll need at least a short term stay...or possibly longer -- say 100 days. 

Read, write, share the information and advocate....advocate and bring about change!