Bear in mind, as you read the State guidelines, they are very general and allow these "businesses" to operate with minimal standards and minimal supervision.
This entry is a resource for anyone who wants to access a link to the regulations and licensing of Assisted Living in various states within the United States.
ADVISORY: This site has sections only accessible through membership to the organization and has some connecting links that were not functioning when checked.
CONCLUSION: Site allows for discovery of connections through specific agencies responsible for rules and regulations in States and transference of this information through further internet search.
Copied from the site is some basic introductory information to provide an overview of information available through accessing the various State sites on rules and regulations for State Assisted Living Regulations.
"The following resources are available to help you learn more about assisted living in your state. Explore information related to:
- State Regulations A list of each state's assisted living regulations including contact information for each state's agency responsible for regulating assisted living (scroll down to see below).
- Voter ID Requirements For Seniors A list of state requirements relating to voter identification.
- Argentum's State Partners Links to each Argentum state affiliate and chapter.
- Argentum In The States (Member Only Resource) A state by state look at laws and regulations, important legislation and proposed regulations, and other state specific resources such as: elder abuse reporting contacts, important news in your state, and information on the local government.
- Argentum's State Regulatory & Legislative Snapshot (Member Only Resource) An executive summary of Argentum's comprehensive quarterly report about pending and enacted regulation and legislation impacting assisted living."
If anyone finds a site that covers the last two areas in the above listing that's for general public access, I'd appreciate your sharing the site(s) to inform those who choose to access this blog.
BLOGGER COMMENT: Knowledge is power and understanding the "systems" and their functioning is as important in Senior Care Management as it is in buying a home, a car or making an investment.