As a society,
we tend to assign behaviors,
attitudes, beliefs and practices
to specific age groups
across the board.
Listen to a forty something
he/she forgets
a word or a phrase
jokingly refers to this
"missed memory"
as a "Senior Moment".
Boomers are "booed"
by many
as "taking up space",
"hoarding the best houses",
increased consumption.
Never have I ever heard
so much discord directed
at an age group
as I have by those
who owe their lives
to many who came before.
A constant complaint about
the "cost" of a generation
who gave so much,
started with so little.
Having the courage
of their fathers
and their mothers
to climb life's ladder,
open doors
for all coming behind.
We marched, we picketed,
we raised our voices . . .
in meetings,
on land line phones,
in stick shift cars,
riding buses long distances,
for Freedom and Equality.
Our songs
presented the problems,
challenges of the times.
We held
Hands across America
with our children
standing beside
showing unity,
We started many causes,
saw many needs.
Working then and now
to create a better world.
Raising awareness
of those who work
to tear us apart.
Boomers were once
the "golden children".
On their way
"up the ladder to a
life of comfort & benefit."
Boomers went to College.
Even if it was
the "new" Community College.
Created to accommodate
the high numbers of births
after the War.
Needing preparation
for "tomorrow's world".
Females whose mothers worked
on assembly lines for our troops,
walked together, advanced programs
and started diversity & inclusion.
They had sons & daughters,
worked as teachers,
in offices and on Boards;
stepped across lines,
pioneered, led the way,
showing the best directions.
The trend was moving women
from assembly to check-out lines.
Away from the "Big City" to suburbs
to the not long ago vacant fields
now filled with
"little houses on the hillside,
little houses made of ticky tack",
and the suburban shopping centers.
Those now "funny looking"
aging men & women
fought for freedom,
came home to work crazy shifts,
tried to advance
on a ladder constantly moved
towards higher & higher
education, training.
Suburban housing developments
were created and gave rise to
"Millionaire Businesses"
from services
to retail
and Credit Cards.
No more walking
to the "corner store"
or grabbing a bus
or "trolley".
One car for work,
another for
"the lady of the house".
The automobile
became necessary
to get to
the Malls and Strip Centers
where spending
became a pastime for some
and a necessity for others.
Then "the lady"
did the unthinkable
She went to college. . .
She competed for jobs . . .
once "belonging" to "men".
Did they really "spend"
more than they made
as many now accuse?
Assembly lines faded,
more giant high rise
office buildings grew.
A "Brave NewWorld"
develops with computers
and home delivery.
With so much emphasis on AI,
kids are being praised,
become popular,
as they adapt and embrace
the art/science of AI.
Video games,
programs encouraging winning,
gambling, knocking things around --
and we wonder where all the "violence"
we see and hear about has "come from".
Ever hear a young friend/relative
refer to some being"just like"
Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa,
when there's a forgetful moment?
is how the vast majority
of people want to be seen.
Instead, we measure, categorize,
assign and place people in Stats.
Society decides what's "typical"
and the "bar" often moves.
Using polls, questionaires,
even medical records.
Supplying information
for behaviours, conditions.
Like any other statistical
Like any other statistical
or marketing poll,
you get out of it
what you put into it,
often producing inaccurate,
insufficient guidelines.
Dr Benjamin Spock
might be the cause
of Statistical Reasoning.
Unless you're a member
of the Boomer Generation
you probably do not recognize
the name of this very prominent
physician, writer,
and a top Influencer of his time.
He was the first medical professional,
a pediatrician, to "characterize"
or "group" children's ages.
You may recall the "Terrible
Advice from infancy through adolescence.
Dr Benjamin Spock,
taught another lesson to Boomer mothers.
He championed the concept
of continual learning,
growing, developing,
and being "care givers"
for another generation.
It's anticipated and believed
child will "outgrow"
certain actions and reactions
with direction or intervention.
Today, we embrace
a different approach.
Those machines
we constantly have our fingers on
are there to retrain and restructure
according to whoever controls them.
Society in general
doesn't believe
the aging adult
is going to
"get" better or "outgrow"
actions or behaviours.
We are taught to believe
We are taught to believe
the aging are all moving
that valley, that depth of life
where only memory loss
and physical loss
of capability exist.
It is inevitable and non-reversible
to be expected and anticipated
One benefit of AI
is 24/7 ability
to use resources
to gain knowledge
to understand.
Boomers are not Aging As Expected.
They're not sitting
in rocking chairs on front porches.
Many hold out on going quietly
into homes for the aging.
Boomers set a different path
listening to a different drummer.
Boomers marched, picketed
and their music
reflected the conflicts
and the challenges of the times.
A generation
forming large groups
of protestors
to bring to light wrongs
to work to bring about change.
Boomers continue
to honor those who went before them.
Aging as they choose to age.
Rejecting stereotypes,
Working for understanding.
Senior Moments
change and create
the world as we NEED it to be.
Millennials may be the turning point;
Baby Boomers are the force to be reckoned with.
Fine wines are aged.
Millennials may be the turning point;
Baby Boomers are the force to be reckoned with.
Fine wines are aged.
Human Aging is like a fine wine.
Boomers Pave The Way
Building highways into tomorrow.
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