Monday, October 21, 2024

To Move Is To Live

They sit in wheelchairs waiting. Some given privileges of chairs.
Forbidden to walk because they might fall. Too few caregivers.

Sometimes a smile from a passer by. Sometimes a glance of curiosity.
Dogs and cats greeted better than older human beings in facilities.

If life could only be like a story on a streaming service. . .
Where each of us who have abilities and choices change places . . . 
With family members in "Institutions". Would we then see?

Those who did not have or somehow lost the ways and means . . . 
Go through the doors of government subsidized Elder Care

Interesting they use the name "Elder" 
A title in many Communities given out of respect and honor

Are you so sure it's "as promised"? 
Have you really gone behind those "closed doors".
Do you see what you want to see because you need it to be?

I understand. I walked that walk. Everyday I had to work.
So hard to know we could not take Mom home.
She lived with us for over forty years into her 100th year.

We didn't want her "institutionalized".
We were finally able to move her but no money for private care.
Both of us had to work to survive.

We tried another facility and then another and another. 
LTC with government support was worse than kennels for animals.

Tears come to my eyes even today knowing what was done to us by the Church Lady is being done by others in a high tech world.

Predators are all around us as we move towards 2025
I found another attacking one of my Cousins.  
They are a devious group of humans, focused on self gain.
Do not go blindly, open your eyes wide.                                                                         When it's your time you'll see far too clearly.                                     
Society won't support you.  Your value is gone.                                 

Values are for what can be achieved and how fast.
Ability and possibility.
A commodity worth only what the market values.

Aging isn't what they tell you it is
When you're young and anxious to grow older.

When you arrive, it's not the destination you thought
No turning back, you can't even run away.

You'll stand up tall, hoping to look strong
Or bend over with the weight.
Looking into a darkness
Seeking to find the light

Making do, moving on, waiting for someone, anyone
And you, young one, see this as best for ME.

You who complain on ships about the food 
Waiting too long for anything, not enough space

Change places with me and see for yourself
Closed doors change points of view

Signed in, locked up, waiting for the light
A few privileged have it better, or so I'm told

I travel to meetings, conventions and find
What's practiced that's humane is few and far between

I will keep looking and writing seeing words are the way
To ensure those growing older will see better days.

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