Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Money, Money, Money

To have and to hold, til death do us part . . .   

Planning and celebration followed by change and fears

I think therefore I am, only as long as I can 

My everyday life and living.

The road we walk, from here to there                                                                       

Winds, climbs, turns and drops

In control, at the helm, able to steer, able to halt. 

Decisions I make point to the direction I take.

Would it were so easy as years flying by

So many aims for pie in the sky.

We're told we can make it if we just try.                           

Decades added swiftly now.                                                                                                     

Time stands to fall around One and All.

I stopped expecting he would change

Like my Dad, he focuses on self.

Hurting those who gave and loved so long

Can't change a cat's stripes, the saying goes.

Ah, well, perhaps one of his five

Will someday see what's made them blind.

False, misleading, self centered lives

How sad the parent's focus, how sad their plans.

Can't change what he refuses to see. 

The harm they do isn't to "me".

It's self inflicted and self imposed

Some day he will lighten the load.

Until that time I see and I know . . . 

What waits ahead is pre-chosen

He can't serve two masters

Freedom did not change or end with me.

Sad he's not able to say:

"Let's stop this unneeded separation . . .

My behavior was wrong, I made many mistakes . . . 

I jumped to conclusions and put my "self" above all. . . 

That self centered focus is what causes a fall. . . 

Someday, my son, we'll meet again

You will be able to speak freely, will see far clearer

It could be sooner, if you so choose

We all have a very large amount to lose

Even farther as the road lengthens

As generations come and go.

It's your choice, as always, 

We do not sit and wait

Our lives filled with giving, not hate.

 Sad you've not seen the light 

The darkness called and you went.

Perhaps you'll wake up someday and see

You left the best behind when you hit the tree.

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