Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Stop Pushing Me!

Close the door and the windows, please.                                                                       I’m tired of insects who buzz around                                                                            Looking for somewhere to feed.

Do, Watch, Contribute More.

If you don’t, you’ll close The Door.

Everyone’s waiting just for you

They can’t go another day

Without knowing ‘What’s New”

The pressure is strong

The days not so long

I juggle and leap

Getting very little sleep


If, When, How, Why

Everyone reaching for the Blue Sky


The Door That Will Open

Time that never stops

Life forever changed

When You’re “On The Top”


Remember those dolls?

I see at a glance

Their arms pulled to stretch

As we make them dance


Who’s pulling your strings

Who’s igniting your fire

What twists and turns 

Until you feel your life burn

The Treadmill 

Becomes a racetrack

We construct and design

Always seeing faster

Is at the head of the line


One at a time

Place a foot on the side

Deep breath, look around

Hear that familiar sound?


The person you want to be

Stands tall in your shoes

Run too fast

You’ll usually lose.


Slow down, sit and stay

Look around, take time to play.

Your inner child needs to rest

You’ve passed Life’s Greatest Test.

It's your race, not theirs

To walk or to run

To stand or to sit

In shadow or Sun.

When you measure you miss

The subtleness

Of This. . . 

Today followed yesterday

Tomorrow will too

It's your life you're living

You choose while you're giving.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Broken Family

Unification is all the rage
As we take our place on the center stage.
Looking around I fail to see
How everyone seems to be looking at me.

I have no control over what they do
Yet I feel the eyes and the shame they view.
When "Father Knows Best" is front and center
We "children of divorce" were unwelcome "Lepers".

With so much focus on family today
Those without almost always turn their face.
It's a lonely journey with a slow motion pace.
All of it seeming to face disgust and disgrace.

Not worthy of being called friend for so many
Plagued by a future pushing in so many ways
Life would be challenging each and every day.

Look in the mirror and see what you see.
Their measurements do not matter
Just be who you'll be.

Years pass, their time limited as yours.
You realized early the twists and the turns.
Life is a line you walk and you run
Often in shadow and sometimes in Sun.

It's your life to lead or follow 
You set the pace, do not form any disgrace
Look back and now ahead
See the life you've actually led.

Be proud of what you've done, where you've been
They don't control you now, they didn't control you then
See life as it was when you took the lead
Knowing you chose just how to proceed.

Turn away from the memories they no longer rule
While life is an education, it's no longer your school.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Gaining Peace of Mind

This Blog has travelled to many parts of the world.

Many speak different languages but all with a "common interest" -- CareGiving For A Loved One.

I've varied  writings about the time spent with Mom, the challenges of her unrecognized Dementia, the problems we encountered and were unable to resolve.

Knowing the challenge of unrecognized Dementia, of verbal abuse and manipulative control of the weakest among us who often were some of the most strong -- 

Taking advantage, getting "high" on manipulation and control of the weakest, wrecking havoc through  tearing families apart.

Julia appeared to "have it all" -- a beautiful home, active in the Community and in Church, volunteering to bring to those least able to attend an offering, a Communion, seeming to care when actually looking for their weaknesses to prey upon.

Learning shared brings peace of mind.

Reaching out I hope others will share their experiences.