Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The Dementia Talk

 Moms, Dads, kids, have “the talk”.                                                                          Once in a lifetime? Perhaps more than once?

Walking away. Believing “duty” performed.

Check off one more “to do”.

Sigh of relief feeling it’s done.


Who talks to us about Dementia?

As we run through life looking only ahead.


Who cares if we move backwards not forwards?

Struggling with an opponent wanting only to win.


Unnoticed. Unrecognized. Unwanted.

Why? When? How? 


“I think therefore I am” runs through yesterday’s mind.

“What was I thinking about……” now rings in our ears.


You can do this. You’ve always done this. 

Please, just try. Please . . . just . . . try . . . 


Where am I going?  

Where have I been?

Why do I want to?   

Why should I care?


Leave me alone. 

Isn’t it what you want?

Isn’t it what you need?



I am here. Have been. Will be. WILL YOU?


Eulogy For Those We've Lost Along Life's Way