Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Taking Away The Car Keys

Daughter & I have some "interesting" talks.
Often on the spur of the moment and least expected.

"How do I take away your car keys?"
This was the question the other day.

Like "the talks" we've had as she transformed.
From "little girl" to "young woman"

Now she was"the leader" and I "the follower".
Shoe is definitely on the other foot.

Adulthood, responsibility, changing places.

Understand she's trying to find "the right time".
I get it, I really do. She's concerned.

My Mom lived with us for decades.
Our lives and hers were intertwined.
We were a Multi-Gen Family.

Now, she faces my aging. 
As I did with my mother.
I move into my Mom's"shoes"
Daughter slips into mine.

When we're a child we want to age.
When we become an adult we know better.

Life has pattterns.
Some we create, others take their own form.

I had just driven her to join her carpool. 
We were sitting waiting for her ride.
A few moments of silence. 
This "thought" came out without any warning.

Always championed my children asking questions.
We could talk about almost anything.

They were also taught about "time and place". 
Not to offend by some statements or questions.

What will I think, how will I act?
When I am in need of turning over the keys?

My precious mobility.
Freedom to come and go. 

Work and play, here and there. 
With whomever, whenever, wherever.

We need to have this conversation.

My daughter asked when my Mom stopped driving. 
Much better statement and approach.

Complimenting her choice of words 
I tell  myself, she's still a quick learner.

Hold that thought. 
Retain that phraseology.

Open Communication.
Low bridges, quick stops.

Wherever and however 
We journey together!

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