Sunday, July 14, 2024

Changing Generations

Just Yesterday, High School and College Graduations, Speeches and Awards, Dreams and Desires.

Where will they be ten years from now?                                                       Graduates believing they can define their lives and segment?

Filling spaces others left or moved on. Wiser? Encouraged? Disillusioned?

The AI Clock has been ticking and taking.

How adaptable are these "graduates" with some experience?

Still pursuing "more" education, certifications, internships.

Perhaps a few years of experience, finding their skillsets once cutting edge are bordering on obsolescence?

Keeping Up With The AI "Joneses" will be far more challenging than keeping up with the humans.

How many burned out? How many just gave up?

Trying to use what's now obsolete education and training that used to be a building block but now is simply a series of platforms leading to a place where jumping off occurs.

(History repeats itself when AI went from a dream to prototypes to every school, library, business and almost all homes.)


Boomers were stuck in a continual need to change to increase income, to move to gain better possibilities and to realize acquiring and adding from household items to children, was a major decision more complex than additional costs.

Today, seen by many as "affluent" who were actually only moving into a slightly higher socio economic class when they moved from an apartment to their first small home, added family members and possibly moved again with a slight upgrade. 

Then, for some, the "biggie" -- buying that "forever home".


This "Generation" is often the same ones whose parents pushed their parents -- The Boomers -- for "family vacations" where the "well funded and invested" Grandparents footed the bill for them and their parents.

Now, they have been entitled for decades, got an education, went into the job market, decided they could get a "hustle" and made some good money -- for a while. 

Whoops! Not really a business person. The shining light of so much coming in overshadowed the glare of what lay in the shadows of "reality" business organization and development.

GEN X. What a name for a group of humans!

Is that "X" marks the spot where we fell asleep at the wheel of life and so many passed us we could barely catch up let alone get ahead?

At least previous Generational Titles were a little more creative!

That's the challenge, really; change takes decades but what it does is often bypass some generations, setting aside others.

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