Friday, September 13, 2024

Shining A Light

Each State determines its rules and regulations for Long Term Care and Residential Facilities housing our Elder Population.

Federal Regulations only step in when Medicaid or Medicare are somehow involved in the resident's care.

State Regulations vary and are vague. 

Anyone know of a law in your State requiring an "Open Door Policy" where publication of all operational expenditures including all compensation is public?

They are businesses. Plain and simple. They change hands and the general public is usually uninformed directly.

Long Term Care Facilities are closed societies.

The more they accept State and Federal funds, the more closed are the doors that open to the families and the public.

Standing behind the concept of being "private" and/or of personal rights holding high these signs to hide violations and significant profitability.

In the United States, we have open meetings, value input and contribution, welcome providing reports and opening doors and windows into operations and management.


Many are owned by private individuals and businesses.

Corporations that do not operate with an "Open Door" policy.

The most vulnerable in our society confined and controlled.

Transparency is critical. These are "Medical Facilities" in operation without the mandate to furnish documentation required of other medical entities.

Who actually owns, operates, is on the Board?

Ask for a list of "approved" Doctors that oversee and administer medications and medical decisions for your loved ones.

We've had "Baby Monitors" for decades. 

What do we use to ensure the safety/well being of Seniors?

AI provides abilities to "watch", "observe" and ensure the safety and well being of our children.

Why not for our loved ones with their  or POA permission and consent?

Why can't a 'Personal Representative" be appointed to '"attend" meetings, Dr visits.

Mom and my husband both wanted me to be with them at their Dr appointments. I was never informed when, who or why.

When you enter a Long Term Care time stands still and personal lives change dramatically.

From your home, you make a Dr's appointment and can accompany your loved one being their eyes, ears and asking questions to ensure Mom's or Dad's needs are met.

Try to find out when a Dr might be visiting your loved one.  Most visits on the phone and it takes a "major" event for a Dr. to actually visit in person. Virtual? Stuck in last century.

Not what the standards are supposed to be but then who really  reads those reports, what "oversight" is there other than the sending and receiving of "reports" without a personal visit to ensure well being and safety.

It's changing! Can be heard in the halls and at local presentations where LTC's are never mentioned by name and seldom any discussions on anything to do with the staff, facilty or residents.

Where? When? How? Not in Long Term Care. 

If it is, where, when and how? 

Should be Front Page News on the Internet.

If you find it, let us know. 

Progress for human rights should come first in all States.

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