Thursday, March 13, 2025

Caregiving Medical Errors & Omissions

What's it really like to "caregive" in your home?                                                         Depends on the family member, family unit, resources, income.

Who comes beside and "gives help"? 

In the United States, you're "expected" to have Health Care.                                       paid for monthly to "offset" the costs of living as you grow older.

In reality, spouses/partners are the ones providing.

Income for many has stopped.                                                                       Expenses climb and build debt hills and then mountains.

My husband spent 100 days in the Hospital.                                                               Almost all of that time in Critical Intensive Care.

He came home to a Hospital Bed Insurance didn't cover.   

For a little over a month, we had biweekly "visits".                                                           A "medical person" who "checked on" my husband.                      

After a couple of weeks I was told visits would be ending.                                               The "training" on wound care draining, removing, replacing was minimal. 

Memories Stick Like Glue -- the bags did not.

One bag became two, then three and finally four.

They filled with liquid quickly.

He could no longer get up and take care of emptying the bags.

I had 24/7 "duties" and no one to help.

Our oldest son, who lived across the country, never came to visit. When I asked for help, he told me I didn't know how to manage and I made his father sick.

On all sides I was torn apart;Doctors kept saying he needed to gain weight. 

They saw the bags, how they multiplied, until he could no longer do Dr visits and all they saw were an occasional report from a Nurse who came less and less frequently.

BE WARNED. YOUR MEDICAL PLAN IS YOUR LIFELINE.                                          What you receive, how you receive it and if it's even given is strictly done based on "how much you can spend" either from savings, insurance or prepaid programs. 

Told constantly: "Your husband needs to gain weight." 

Those were the "Doctor's Orders" and it became the mantra on every visit which quickly ended as our "time" ran out.

"The Doctor" says this can be done or that can be done.                                          We did not realize "the Dr" was using the inclusions of the Medical Insurance; no compassion or concern involved.

I trusted. I listened. I believed. 

They were the "experts".                                                                                                   I trusted their "professional ability".

They knew. They had to see.                                                                                   They'd cut into him.                                                                                                    A lancing that never should have happened.                                                                  The beginning of the end. 

The Widow's Walk is unplanned and unwanted.                                                         It happens every day.                                                                                                       It's a Sisterhood no one wants to join.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Taking Away The Car Keys

Daughter & I have some "interesting" talks.
Often on the spur of the moment and least expected.

"How do I take away your car keys?"
This was the question the other day.

Like "the talks" we've had as she transformed.
From "little girl" to "young woman"

Now she was"the leader" and I "the follower".
Shoe is definitely on the other foot.

Adulthood, responsibility, changing places.

Understand she's trying to find "the right time".
I get it, I really do. She's concerned.

My Mom lived with us for decades.
Our lives and hers were intertwined.
We were a Multi-Gen Family.

Now, she faces my aging. 
As I did with my mother.
I move into my Mom's"shoes"
Daughter slips into mine.

When we're a child we want to age.
When we become an adult we know better.

Life has pattterns.
Some we create, others take their own form.

I had just driven her to join her carpool. 
We were sitting waiting for her ride.
A few moments of silence. 
This "thought" came out without any warning.

Always championed my children asking questions.
We could talk about almost anything.

They were also taught about "time and place". 
Not to offend by some statements or questions.

What will I think, how will I act?
When I am in need of turning over the keys?

My precious mobility.
Freedom to come and go. 

Work and play, here and there. 
With whomever, whenever, wherever.

We need to have this conversation.

My daughter asked when my Mom stopped driving. 
Much better statement and approach.

Complimenting her choice of words 
I tell  myself, she's still a quick learner.

Hold that thought. 
Retain that phraseology.

Open Communication.
Low bridges, quick stops.

Wherever and however 
We journey together!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Stop Pushing Me!

Close the door and the windows, please.                                                                       I’m tired of insects who buzz around                                                                            Looking for somewhere to feed.

Do, Watch, Contribute More.

If you don’t, you’ll close The Door!

Everyone’s waiting just for you

They can’t go another day

Without knowing ‘What’s New”?

The pressure is strong

The days not so long

I juggle and leap

Getting very little sleep


If, When, How, Why

Everyone reaching for the Blue Sky


The Door That Will Open

Time that never stops

Life forever changed

When You’re “On The Top”


Remember those dolls?

I see at a glance

Their arms pulled to stretch

As we make them dance


Who’s pulling your strings?

Who’s igniting your fire?

What twists and turns? 

Until you feel your life burn?

The Treadmill 

Becomes a racetrack

We construct and design

Always seeing faster

Is at the head of the line


One at a time

Place a foot on the side

Deep breath, look around

Hear that familiar sound?


The person you want to be

Stands tall in your shoes

Run too fast

You’ll usually lose.


Slow down, sit and stay

Look around, take time to play


Your inner child needs to rest

You’ve passed Life’s Greatest Test.

It's your race, not theirs

To walk or to run

To stand or to sit

In shadow or Sun.

When you measure you miss

The subtleness

Of This. . . 

Today followed yesterday

Tomorrow will too.

It's your life you're living

You choose while you're giving.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Dementia Talk & Walk

 Moms, Dads, kids, have “the talk”.                                                                          Once in a lifetime? Perhaps more than once?

Walking away. Believing “duty” performed.

Sigh of relief feeling it’s done.


Who talks to us about Dementia?

As we run through life looking only ahead.


Who cares if we move backwards not forwards?

Struggling with an opponent wanting only to win.


Unnoticed. Unrecognized. Unwanted.

Why? When? How? 


“I think therefore I am” runs through yesterday’s mind.

“What was I thinking about……” now rings in our ears.


You can do this. You’ve always done this. 

Please, just try. Please . . . just . . . try . . . 


Where am I going?  

Where have I been?

Why do I want to?   

Why should I care?


Leave me alone. 

Isn’t it what you want?

Isn’t it what you need?



I am here. Have been. Will be. WILL YOU?


Eulogy For Those We've Lost Along Life's Way

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Time In A Bottle

We move in circles in life.
They sometimes overlap.                                                                                     Opening to join together.

Closed circles created by life happening. 
Open circles are often privileges. 
Choices of time and money.

Saturday. Errands to run.                                                                                         Places to go out of necessity. 
A few hours to call my own.

Let's explore!
There's an AP for that . . .
Provided you have the money
To pay for the phone and service
Opening the world for and to you.

It's fascinating. 
Coming from a generation 
Taught to consume, taught to want, 
To expect and to desire so much in life.
Taught to go to stores and "shop til you drop". 

Never fully embracing but still participating, 
We followed the leaders and trends 
Imitating parents and friends.

Full circle. 
Millenials are reteaching "old" ways 
Including bartering, trade, 
Cross generational support, 
Multigenerational living.

"Boomers" were the great hope of the economy. 
Parents and relatives back from Wars.
Many were undeclared or referred to as "conflicts".                      

Houses. Suburbia. Marriage and families. 
Needs and wants. Hopes and dreams. 

The wheel of life.
The wheel of consumerism.
Consider it "economic development". 
Privilege. Freedom. Opportunity.

We began as a society.
Like the Seasons changing.
Then came the great ability to shop til you drop. 
Specialized areas downtown, suburban malls, 
Online across the Country, around the World.

We meet our own demise along the way.
Believing "others" have created.
While we continue to disrupt and interrupt.
Always pointing fingers away, not toward.

No longer needing to "go out".
There's an AP to deliver anything and everything.
Turn on, tune in, buy, buy, buy.

"Mom and Pop" stores believe they can compete
They're sold a "bill of goods" and believe the hype.

Now they can expand onto the internet.
What's changed? It's just a "glorified" catalogue.
No longer in print but always there 24/7.

Instant and immediate gratification. 
The acquistion is more than the possession.

It amazes me how new generations
Believe they're invented something.

They've simply regrouped and reorganized 
Readjusted systems, procedures and practices. 

They're not "creators".
They're "developers". 
Their time and influence rising and falling
Given Time, we'll  grow a "Next Generation".

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Tarnished Golden Years

Plowed the fields                                                                                                       Cleaned the toilets                                                                                                   Survived the births                                                                                                     Fought the battles

Shared the bread

Saved the water

Found the money

Paved the way


Treated like a commodity

Told we have little value

Pushed to leave "our space”

Shelved as “out of date”


Predators circle

Smelling sweet success

Family far away


Tricks no treats 

Circling, following, pouncing

Waiting, watching, wondering


Youth is blind

Middle Age wears an eye patch

Old Age is told what to see

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Independent, Dependant, Interdependence

Dependency -- A terminology used by the US Census to calculate the population aged 65 and over and their need for care giving.

Ask anyone growing older and this is the biggest FEAR in their lives -- losing their independence, the costs, personal/financial, of the process.

 Years are spent training and nurturing from birth onward to get humans to the point of taking care of themselves, those who have the physical and mental means and abilities.

We who are privileged with these capabilities and capacities, most often take them for granted. 

Many of us work to reduce, refine and redirect our capabilities and capacities, not realizing until we really start getting past our "growth" years that include self development, family and career, and head for those "golden years", this time is full of as many potholes, road blocks, detours, sudden stops and repairs along the way, as those encountered in earlier life stages.

Interdependence.  The ability of a society to value all of its parts and to accept and work through the challenges of everyday life.

We work together to set aside "isms" and create an environment where value isn't measured by who you are or what you are but simply the fact that -- you are.

Overheard in a conversation where I work the other day:  

Older people don't take to the new technology. 
They don't "want" it. 
They're satisfied with what they know and have. 
They don't know how to use it.

By the way, this person was in their mid 40's. He should know he's considered "old" by tweens, teens and those in their twenties. 

He should know his "views" and his "ways" are considered "out of touch" and "old" and they probably characterize him in the same way he characterizes others.

Viewpoint depends on where you are in life, what your experiences have been, what you've been taught, what you choose to see. 

Life is far more challenging today than just last year & continue to be. 

We're in an epicenter of a technological revolution where thought &  practice are subject not to what you can access, but tools you have & the way you use them to gain & use information & its benefits.

Keeping up with technology is an investment in time and money. As we grow into the later years of life, those are usually limited resources.

It's not about not wanting, it's about not being able or have the ways and means.

Aging is as significant an economic challenge as where a person lives, what level of education they have, what ability they have to move upward in their careers, the level of discretionary income and how they use it throughout life.

Today, technology makes systems obsolete and the costs of adding technology comes not just with a purchase price, but an increasing maintenance price. 

The US Census uses terminologies including "dependent" when referring to 65 and over who need care giving. 

The Baby Boomer generation is being portrayed as becoming a drain on our US economy. Isn't this easily said about any age with "special needs"?

Every day we hear about men and women in their twenties and much younger with diseases and physical challenge.

Many people in the 65+ age group add to the economic recovery but no one talks about their contributions.
  • They work -- some at more than one minimum wage job
  • They volunteer -- providing services and opportunities for less capable and less fortunate
  • They donate -- time, money and skillsets to benefit individuals and communities.
Take a look at the birth year report
Use the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. These numbers refer to U.S. births only and is in millions and hundreds of thousands (rounded off).

Take a close look. 
The "baby boomers" birth year starts in 1946 and goes through 1964. This was a time of rising births from 3,411 to 4,027.

Many men went to war and did not return. 
It's a span of 18 years -- returning to larger families.
Losses  of food production and hard times.

So, what "is" the problem? We're living longer. 
Should each generation  not have longevity?
Ask those who are Millenials or beyond if they want to "shorten' their lives or "extend them" and they'll vote for extension, as will all ages and stages.

Take a closer look.  1965's birth year was higher than 1946, but because there was a decrease from 1964, it's not seen as challenging. 

Even though the population showed a decrease in the years from 1990 to 1995, the population level of above 400,000 (that's a figure of millions, by the way), is higher than the first eight years of the "baby boomer" era.

Two generations after the Baby Boomers, Gen X and Millennials. Each will encounter the same challenges if all choose not to face the present and provide for the future.

The question becomes whether the younger generations will care enough to cause change before it's their turn to experience the change and become --    DEPENDENT.

What's the general health of the younger generation?  We're led to believe this is the "safety net" generation; the one we rely on to offset the cost of healthcare insurance, for example.

That was the basis for the Affordable Care Act -- get enough of the "Gen Xers" and "Millenials" because they have fewer medical problems.

What we've seen is how this group faces their own medical challenges:  cancer, heart disease, Lupus, MS and more. We just never talked about these medical conditions as openly. 

Age Alone Does NOT Define Capability or Capacity. 

We live with diseases and medical challenges we're still trying to understand and control how they affect our lives.

Infants through the most Senior level of our population share challenges and can live with limitations and challenges from moderate to severe.

Let's pull together instead of pulling one another apart. 

Realize and recognize the potential and possibilities of all ages and stages of life. 

Be positive, think proactively and as always, work to protect those without the means to provide their own safety net.

Originally published January 3, 2016. Almost ten years have passed. Nothing's changed. Few advances. Stronger negatives are put forth about "aging" and "being old and useless". 

Remember, readers, you're now nine years older and that time passed quickly as will the next 20, 30 and 40 -- dropping you into the Life Statistics of being "older' and therefore "less useful".

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Boomers Pave The Way

As a society, 
we tend to assign behaviors, 
attitudes, beliefs and practices 
to specific age groups 
across the board. 

Listen to a forty something 
when he/she forgets 
a word or a phrase 
jokingly refers to this 
"missed memory" 
as a "Senior Moment".

Boomers are "booed" 
by many 
as "taking up space", 
"hoarding the best houses", 
increased consumption.

Never have I ever heard 
so much discord directed 
at an age group 
as I have by those 
who owe their lives 
to many who came before.

A constant complaint about
the "cost" of a generation 
who gave so much,  
started with so little.

Having the courage 
of their fathers
and their mothers 
to climb life's ladder, 
open doors 
for all coming behind.

We marched, we picketed, 
we raised our voices . . . 
in meetings, 
on land line phones, 
in stick shift cars, 
riding buses long distances,
for Freedom and Equality.

Our songs 
presented the problems, 
challenges of the times.

We held 
Hands across America
with our children 
standing beside
showing unity, 

We started many causes,
saw many needs.
Working then and now 
to create a better world.

Raising awareness 
of those who work 
to tear us apart.

Boomers were once 
the "golden children".
On their way 
"up the ladder to a
life of comfort & benefit."

Boomers went to College. 
Even if it was 
the "new" Community College.
Created to accommodate 
the high numbers of births
after the War.
Needing preparation 
for "tomorrow's world".

Females whose mothers worked 
on assembly lines for our troops, 
walked together, advanced programs 
and started diversity & inclusion.

They had sons & daughters,
worked as teachers, 
in offices and on Boards;
stepped across lines, 
pioneered, led the way, 
showing the best directions.

The trend was moving women 
from assembly to check-out lines.

Away from the "Big City" to suburbs
to the not long ago vacant fields 
now filled with 
"little houses on the hillside, 
little houses made of ticky tack",
and the suburban shopping centers.

Those now "funny looking" 
aging men & women 
fought for freedom, 
came home to work crazy shifts, 
tried to advance 
on a ladder constantly moved 
towards higher & higher 
education, training.

Suburban housing developments
were created and gave rise to
"Millionaire Businesses" 
from services 
to retail 
and Credit Cards.

No more walking 
to the "corner store" 
or grabbing a bus 
or "trolley".
One car for work,
another for 
"the lady of the house".

The automobile 
became necessary
to get to 
the Malls and Strip Centers
where spending 
became a pastime for some 
and a necessity for others.

Then "the lady" 
did the unthinkable
She went to college. . .  
She competed for jobs . . .  
once "belonging" to "men". 

Did they really "spend" 
more than they made 
as many now accuse? 

Assembly lines faded, 
more giant high rise 
office buildings grew.

A "Brave NewWorld" 
develops with computers 
and home delivery.

With so much emphasis on AI, 
kids are being praised,
become popular, 
as they adapt and embrace
the art/science of AI.

Video games, 
programs encouraging winning, 
gambling, knocking things around -- 
and we wonder where all the "violence" 
we see and hear about has "come from". 

Ever hear a young friend/relative 
refer to some being"just like" 
Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, 
when there's a forgetful moment?

is how the vast majority 
of people want to be seen.
Instead, we measure, categorize, 
assign and place people in Stats.

Society decides what's "typical" 
and the "bar" often moves.

Using polls, questionaires, 
even medical records.
Supplying information 
for behaviours, conditions.

Like any other statistical 
or marketing poll, 
you get out of it 
what you put into it, 
often producing inaccurate, 
insufficient guidelines.

Dr Benjamin Spock
might be the cause 
of Statistical Reasoning.
Unless you're a member 
of the Boomer Generation  
you probably do not recognize 
the name of this very prominent 
physician, writer, 
and a top Influencer of his time.

He was the first medical professional, 
a pediatrician, to "characterize"
or "group" children's ages.

You may recall the "Terrible Two's". 
Advice from infancy through adolescence.

Dr Benjamin Spock, 
taught another lesson to Boomer mothers.
He championed the concept 
of continual learning, 
growing, developing,
and being "care givers" 
for another generation.

It's anticipated and believed 
the child will "outgrow" 
certain actions and reactions 
with direction or intervention.

Today, we embrace
a different approach.

Those machines 
we constantly have our fingers on 
are there to retrain and restructure 
according to whoever controls them.

Society in general 
doesn't believe 
the aging adult 
is going to 
"get" better or "outgrow" 
actions or behaviours.

We are taught to believe 
the aging are all moving into 
that valley, that depth of life 
where only memory loss 
and physical loss of capability exist.

It is inevitable and non-reversible
to be expected and anticipated

One benefit of AI
is 24/7 ability
to use resources
to gain knowledge
to understand.

Boomers are not Aging As Expected. 
They're not sitting 
in rocking chairs on front porches.
Many hold out on going quietly 
into homes for the aging.

Boomers set a different path 
listening to a different drummer.

Boomers marched, picketed 
and their music 
reflected the conflicts 
and the challenges of the times.

A generation 
forming large groups of protestors 
to bring to light wrongs 
to work to bring about change. 

Boomers continue 
to honor those who went before them.
Aging as they choose to age.
Rejecting stereotypes,
Working for understanding.

Senior Moments 
change and create 
the world as we NEED it to be. 

Millennials may be the turning point; 
Baby Boomers are the force to be reckoned with.

Fine wines are aged. 
Human Aging is like a fine wine.
Boomers Pave The Way
Building highways into tomorrow.